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Version 4.2.0

· 2 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Version 4.2.0 of @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available.


This release is shipped with TypeDefinitions for all public APIs.


Version 4.1.0 was a step on the way to paving ground for improving the client side asset experience for developers building micro-frontends with Podium.

This release contains a number of changes to the .js() and .css() methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet. Possible options to these methods now more or less correlate to the same attributes on the equalent HTML elements.

Example for how to flag a Javascript asset that it is an ES module so that it can be loaded async:

const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]);

value: '',
async: true,
type: 'esm',

When rendered by the document template the above will translate into the following HTML element:

<script src="" type="module" async></script>

Please see the following documentation for the options the different methods can now take:

  • @podium/podlet .css() method
  • @podium/podlet .js() method
  • @podium/layout .css() method
  • @podium/layout .js() method

For further information on how assets are handled in general, please see the asset section.

If you maintain a custom document template, please see this section on how to render registered assets into HTML elements appropriately.