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Passing values to podlets

There are occasions where you will want user interaction in a podlet to inform the behavior of other podlets. A great example of this is search. You might have one podlet that handles user search input and another podlet that displays search results.

const searchField = layout.client.register({
name: "searchField",
uri: "http://localhost:7200",

const searchResults = layout.client.register({
name: "searchResults",
uri: "http://localhost:7201",

The recommended way for the searchResults podlet to react to user changes in the searchField is to manipulate the pages URL query string parameters or pathname param.

Sending query params

The Podium context is not the only way for a layout to communicate with its podlets. Query params can be forwarded to podlets via .fetch() calls.

const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: } });

Continuing with our search example, when a request comes in to the layout at http://localhost:7101?search=houses, we forward the query parameter search on to both podlets.

const content = await Promise.all([
searchField.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: } }),
searchResults.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: } }),

Our podlets will then have access to the value of search and be able to render content accordingly. Likewise, in order to trigger changes, all a podlet will need to do is navigate the page to http://localhost:7101?search=houses. The searchField podlet could do this by creating a form.

<form action="http://localhost:7101" method="GET">
<input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="submit" />

Sending a pathname

Another way to send dynamic queries to podlets is by sending along a pathname option. This can be used, for example, to build podlet URLs that are defined using named route parameters.

Example: sending podlet content route with named parameter

In the layout.

const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/andrew" });

In the podlet.

app.get("/:name", (req, res) => {
// => andrew

It is important to note here that the pathname value is appended to the content route so if you were to serve your content route at /content instead of at / the final URL sent to the podlet would include this.

const podlet = new Podlet({
content: "/content",
app.get("/content/:name", (req, res) => {
// => andrew

You are, in fact, free to handle any routes you like under content namespace. The following is also valid.

// include `/name` when defining `pathname`
const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/name/andrew" });

const podlet = new Podlet({
content: "/content",
app.get("/content/name/:name", (req, res) => {
// => andrew