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Redirects in HTTP work by setting a status code and Location HTTP header on the response sent by the server to the browser. What happens if a podlet (which is not the one sending the HTTP response to the browser) wants to trigger a redirect?

The layout is the server sending the HTTP response to the browser. Only the layout can do the actual redirect, but a podlet can ask the layout to do a redirect on its behalf. Here is how it works.

Define a podlet as redirectable

If a podlet should trigger a redirect for the end user, or you want to handle redirects in a different way, you have to configure the client as redirectable:

const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({
redirectable: true,

This configuration is required, otherwise the layout will follow the redirect and use the HTML response as if it came from the podlet directly.

With the podlet configured as redirectable, check the response in the request handler for the layout and forward the status code and Location:

app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => {
const incoming = res.locals.podium;
const response = await gettingStarted.fetch(incoming);

if (response.redirect) {
return res
.setHeader("Location", response.redirect.location)

incoming.view.title = "Hello, Layout!";

Trigger the redirect from a podlet

Once you have configured the layout to handle a redirectable podlet, the podlet can send a Location header and the correct HTTP status code.

app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => {

const shouldRedirect = /* Determine whether a redirect should happen */;
if (shouldRedirect) {
return res
.setHeader("Location", "")

<div id="app">Hello, Podlet!</div>