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This page documents the JSON schema for a podlet /manifest.json route.

A manifest can include references to:

  • An HTTP endpoint to the podlet's main content.
  • An HTTP endpoint to a possible fallback for use in scenarios where the main content cannot be read.
  • An set of HTTP endpoints to client side JavaScript files.
  • An set of HTTP endpoints to client side CSS files.
  • HTTP endpoints which should be made public.


The schema for manifest.json is defined in @podium/schemas.


"name": "my-podlet",
"version": "1.0.0",
"content": "/",
"fallback": "/fallback",
"css": [
"value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/styles.css",
"type": "text/css",
"rel": "stylesheet"
"js": [
{ "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/client.js", "type": "module" }
"proxy": { "api": "/api" }